
Unpacking the Myth of the Great Boomer Wealth Transfer: Why the Next Generation Won’t Reap What’s Promised

It is well-known that the Baby Boomer generation, especially those in the United States, is expected to transfer a significant amount of wealth to their heirs during their retirement. However, recent predictions suggest that the wealth transfer from Baby Boomers to their heirs may not be as large as initially expected. This is because Boomers have not necessarily planned their estate properly. While they may have considerable assets, these may have not been properly divided up or protected in ways that are beneficial to their heirs. Additionally, Boomers are holding onto their wealth as long as possible which means that when they do pass, their wealth may not necessarily be passed on them in an effective manner. Furthermore, Boomers have likely experienced ups and downs in the stock markets over the years, and this means that their wealth may not be as large as initially believed. This is because the stock market does not always predict the performance of the assets within Boomers’ estate. Additionally, Boomers have likely experienced some losses due to inflation, which could also decrease the wealth that is passed on to their heirs. Finally, Boomers are increasingly unable to rely on pensions as a source of income and as a way to help fund their estate plans. This means that different sources of income, such as Social Security, must be more heavily relied upon. Unfortunately, this is likely to result in Boomers not setting aside enough money for their heirs. In short, the wealth transfer from Baby Boomers to their heirs may not be as large as initially predicted primarily due to the unpredictable stock market, the reliance on pensions to help fund estate plans, and Boomers’ unwillingness to properly divide their assets in a way that is beneficial for their heirs. While Boomers likely still have considerable assets to pass on to their heirs, these assets are likely to be smaller than initially believed.

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