“Gag Lifted: Biden Administration Narrows Trump’s Jan. 6 Restrictions
On Thursday, January 7th, the US Supreme Court put a new twist on the Trump Gag Order, which seeks to restrict certain government employees from talking to the press. The court issued a revised version of the order, which narrowed the scope of its coverage.
Under the new version of the Trump Gag Order, only those members of government who were directly involved in the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol are affected. This includes only the Capitol Police and other on-site personnel at the Capitol on the day of the siege. In other words, the new version of the Gag Order does not affect the entire government, but only those who are directly related to the incident.
The new version of the order also states that government personnel are allowed to talk to the press about the events of January 6, so long as they do so in an “accurate and factual” manner. This will help ensure that those with firsthand accounts of what happened that day are able to provide the public with their accounts without being subjected to the Trump Gag Order.
Even with the new version of the Trump Gag Order, some are still concerned with the implications of the order. Critics point out that it has the potential to stifle the free exchange of ideas within government and the press that is crucial for a functioning democracy.
The Trump Gag Order follows a trend that has been seen throughout the Trump Administration. The Administration has sought to restrict its government personnel from engaging with the press, doing anything that might be perceived as critical of the President, and releasing information that could be seen as damaging.
The Supreme Court’s decision to revise the Trump Gag Order has been seen as a small victory for transparency and freedom of the press, but there is still a long way to go in terms of ensuring that government personnel are able to speak openly about the events of January 6. Only time will tell if the order will be effective in preventing misinformation and allowing the media to report accurately on the events of that day.