Editor's Pick

“Death or Blame: Unpacking DeSantis’ Troubling Stance

Dr. Norman Desantis has perpetuated the notion that death is a tragedy, an almost debilitating event that is neither to be sought nor welcomed. Some think of it as a release from the burdens of living and only something to be welcomed by those suffering from intense pain. On the surface, Desantis seems to preach a unified mantra, calling death a tragedy in all of its forms; however, in the eyes of Norman Desantis, the tragedy that death brings is far from equal. Desantis’ views on untimely death, rather than remain constant, depend on whom he gets to scapegoat. It doesn’t take a sociologist to recognize how Dr Desantis’ preachings change drastically depending on the identity of the dying. To start, Desantis vilifies public figures and celebrities that die too soon, deriding the way that that person lived their life. Same too, when it comes to normal individuals, he has been known to link an untimely death to foolish choices, such as going out late at night, having unprotected sex, or any other activities that “normal people” should know better about. However, when it comes to people that are on the fringes of society, Desantis takes a less condemning tone. He stops questioning why someone was in a certain place or why they were doing something “wrong” to begin with and instead focuses on how untimely deaths can be a reminder to the rest of society that events like these can happen to anyone and that we should be more aware and conscious of our choices. Ultimately, Desantis’ views on untimely death depend on whom he decides to scapegoat. When it comes to those in positions of power, he largely blames the dying individual for the tragedy, wasting no time pointing out their irresponsibility and lack of intention. Meanwhile, when it comes to those on the outskirts of society, he turns the blame to society and the larger laws that shape our lives. While his approach isn’t consistent, one can’t deny that Dr. Desantis is filled with a powerful passion for the topic of death and that he hopes his words can be of solace to those who have lost someone too soon.

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