“From Beatings to Lice: Uncovering Conditions Faced by Freed Israeli Hostages at the Hands of Hamas
The harrowing captivity of two Israeli nationals, Avraham Mangisto and Hisham al-Sayeed, who were held by Hamas in Gaza for almost three years, has recently come to an end. The conditions the two were subjected to during their time in captivity have drawn considerable attention.
Reports have emerged that during their time in captivity the two men were subjected to severe beatings, brutally small rations of food and even lice. In addition, apart from being held in very cramped, uncomfortable quarters, the two men were held without being allowed to access the outside world and were constantly under threat of further punishment.
In light of this, it is unsurprising that the two men were relieved when the news came that their captivity was over. However, what has been concerning for many is the stories the men have reported about their experiences. What they have to say is a shocking reminder of the utter cruelty and inhumane treatment they were subjected to during their time as captives.
According to Mangisto and al-Sayeed, they were made to endure regular beatings, often given without warning or provocation. This was coupled with severely restricted food rations and a general lack of adequate facilities, including inadequate medical care. Even more distressing was the fact that the two men had to live with the constant fear of even worse punishments if they ever attempted to escape or contact any outside individuals.
More worrying still is the fact that the two men had to cope with the infestation of lice that had spread throughout their quarters. The lice were so heavy that at times the men couldn’t sleep, having to keep all their clothes and blankets in a single corner of their cell to keep the pests at bay.
By the end of their ordeal, these conditions took a heavy toll on both men. Mangisto and al-Sayeed were close to exhaustion and the emotional stress of their captivity was said to have left both men feeling desolate, powerless and lost.
Fortunately, the two men are now free, but this harrowing story serves as a reminder of the inhumane conditions innocent civilians are subjected to and the suffering that human beings can endure in captivity.