“Wilders’ Political Pow-wow: Far-Right Populist’s Victory Thrills The Netherlands!
The Far-right populist leader, Geert Wilders, has reportedly gained a major victory in the Dutch general election. The exit poll data, published by ANP news agency, has suggested that Wilders’ party, the PVV, has won 21 seats in the 150-seat parliament, up from 15 in the 2017 election.
This is a major achievement for the PVV and little surprise that Wilders has received praise from far-right political forces across Europe. With the PVV’s gain in seats in the Dutch parliament, Wilders has solidified his position as a key, if divisive, figure in Dutch politics.
The exit poll data, mentioned above, points to a further shift to the right in Dutch politics. Alongside the PVV, the conservative-liberal Democrats 66, which has taken a largely pro-EU stance, has had its position weakened over the course of the election.
At this early stage, it is unclear how Wilders’ victory will shape the country’s political will going forward. It is, however, clear that the far-right has been given a major boost in the Netherlands. It could indicate the start of a worrying pattern for those concerned about Wilder’s far-right populism and the potential impact this could have on democratic and liberal values across Europe.