“White Gold Strikes 5.04 g/t Au on 20.85m at Betty Ford Target – Unearthing New Gold Occurrences in Yukon District!
White Gold Corp., a company specializing in mineral exploration based in Vancouver, Canada, announced that they recently intercepted five (5) gold-bearing intercepts at their Betty Ford target in the Western Extension. Over a total length of 20.85 metres, the intercepts included an impressive 5.04 g/t Au.
The news comes as the company revealed that it has identified additional gold occurrences in the sulphide domain. This is proving to be the most promising area yet in terms of providing a potential for growth and value for the company.
It is a big discovery for White Gold Corp and further gives credence to their endeavour to maximize shareholder’s value through mineral exploration. It further gives them a unique, competitive edge in an industry that is fiercely competitive.
According to White Gold Corp, the sulphide zone that has been discovered consists of highly encouraging continuity within a single strata of the western extension. This has in turn given them a level of certainty that they can further explore and maximize the value from this discovery.
At such a high grade, customers are certain to appreciate the high returns that White Gold Corp offers. The company indicated that they are looking to expand operations in the coming year or so in order to maximize the potential.
The news was met with much enthusiasm and optimism by customers and investors alike. They cheered on the discovery as they felt it was an indicator of the progress and potential of the company. Such news further adds to the growing optimism for the future of the White Gold Corp.
The discovery at the Betty Ford target by White Gold Corp is certain to live up to its reputation good and deliver returns. As the company continues to explore the area, there is much strategic and logistical value that can be showcased and further utilized.
All in all, the White Gold Corp appears to have made a promising discovery at the Betty Ford target. The implications would be far-reaching for the company and its shareholders as they can look forward to a future and potential of growth and increased returns.