‘Desperate Times: Thousands Flee as Israel Escalates Gaza City Offensive’.
As tensions continue to mount in the Gaza Strip, thousands of Palestinians are fleeing the south of Israel amid an escalated offensive from the Israeli army.
The Gaza Strip has been facing an offensive since the beginning of May as a result of rocket fire that originated in the region. Since then, Israeli forces have stepped up their assaults in an attempt to quell the continuous firing. This has resulted in severe damage in the Gaza Strip as hundreds of buildings have been damaged or destroyed and more than 200 people killed.
The intense bombardment has forced thousands of people out of their homes in order to seek safety. With makeshift shelters near the Israeli border full and not enough safety for the refugees, many are resorting to seeking safety elsewhere.
The UN has reported that an estimated 38,000 people have fled their homes and are currently residing in shelters outside of Gaza. This is in addition to the thousands of people who have been displaced or evacuated from their homes.
The heightened tensions and active conflict taking place in the Gaza Strip has resulted in immense suffering for the refugees. Not only are they living in what is essentially a war-zone but they are facing the threat of further punishment from the Israeli forces. Additionally, the refugees are dealing with a lack of access to food, clean water, and other basic resources.
The Human Rights Watch has condemned the situation in the Gaza Strip, urging both sides to take immediate steps to protect civilians. They have also called on the international community to ensure protection and assistance for the thousands of people who have been dislocated from their homes.
With little hope of an end in sight to the conflict in Gaza, it remains to be seen how much longer thecitizens will be able to withstand the offensive. What is certain is that hundreds of innocent lives have been lost in this conflict, and thousands more are potentially in danger.