Jordan Takes a Step Closer to the Speaker’s Gavel After a High-Pressure Weekend Push!
As he begins his campaign run for Speaker of the House, Jordan has been working hard on the weekends, trying to gain votes among his colleagues. This past weekend, he focused his efforts on building support through face-to-face meetings and phone calls.
The past two days have seen Jordan’s campaign for Speaker’s gavel take a marked turn for the better. On Sunday, Jordan hosted a meet-and-greet session at his homestead, where he was able to introduce himself to many members of the House, as well as demonstrate his ideas on what it takes to be an effective leader. Accomplishments such as working with both sides of the aisle on important bills, and how important it is to create a meaningful dialogue between members of Congress seemed to really make an impression with many of the attendees.
The weekend concluded with Jordan and his staff putting together a pressure campaign which included phone calls and email to each individual member of the House. This strategy not only allowed Jordan to explain his views on the Speaker’s role and duties, but to also make sure the members of the House were being heard in their respective districts.
With just a few days until the official Speaker vote, Jordan’s weekend endeavors seem to have made an impact. According to sources close to the office of the Speaker, Jordan has made considerable headway in garnering a great deal of support, and is now leading the race for the Speaker’s gavel. It’s now up to the House members to decide if Jordan will be the next Speaker of the House. The future of the House may very well be in his hands.