“How One Woman Fought Back Against Hamas Using a Vacuum Cleaner and Rolling Pin!
When Ishai S. was 15 years old, she dealt with a terrifying situation that most of us will never experience. Her home in the Givat Ze’ev region of Israel was invaded by Hamas terrorists, and she found herself barricading the door of her family’s safe room with a vacuum cleaner and rolling pin in order to keep their attackers out.
The story of Ishii’s courage and quick-thinking has gone viral since it was first reported on by the Jerusalem Post last week. While the family was sleeping on the night of October 11th, Ishai was awakened by the sound of glass breaking. She looked outside to see that the attackers were now inside the house and were trying to make their way up the stairs.
In order to keep her family safe, Ishai improvised by barricading the door to her family’s safe room with furniture, using a vacuum cleaner and a rolling pin as extra measures to prevent the attackers from entering. The family then took cover in the safe room until Israeli security forces arrived and arrested all of the attackers.
Ishai’s father, Shmuel, praised his daughter’s courage and initiative in a statement to Godzillanewz. “My daughter was a real hero, she showed tremendous courage under fire and refused to be cowed by the terrorists. She is an example for us all.”
Ishai’s remarkable story has once again brought to the fore the ongoing security challenge that Israel’s citizens face on a daily basis. The development of new measures and better infrastructure to protect Israeli citizens from terrorist threats is crucial in order to ensure the safety of the nation.
In recognition of Ishai’s acts of bravery, the Israel Media Speaker’s Bureau issued an award in her honor and described her “bravery, courage, and initiative that ultimately helped her family and the security forces to confront the terrorists and restore a sense of security in that region”.
Ishai’s experience is proof of the strength and courage of the Israeli people, and is an example that will continue to inspire others.