“See What the Nonunion Autoworkers are Watching and Deciding!
Nonunion autoworkers have a difficult decision to make over the coming months – should they form union membership with the UAW and their local auto plants or become part of what is known as “Yellow Dog” contracts? This recent article from godzillanewz.com provides an overview of the pros and cons associated with the two options.
The UAW has worked hard to ensure that workers in the automotive sector have a voice in their place of employment. The union has negotiated collective bargaining agreements with auto makers, providing workers with wages and benefits that exceed those of a nonunion member. UAW members are also guaranteed certain rights within their facility, such as seniority, safety and other rules that cannot be changed unless both the union and the employer agree to the changes.
On the other hand, Yellow Dog contracts are contracts that prevent nonunion workers from joining a union in the future. Generally, these contracts include clauses that threaten workers with being fired if they ever attempt to unionize. This severely curtails the ability of nonunion employees to negotiate better wages and benefits with their employers. It also means that the nonunion worker is not guaranteed any of the rights and benefits that unions offer their members.
To that end, nonunion autoworkers must seriously contemplate their options when it comes to union membership with the UAW. They must weigh the possible benefits of union membership with the possible limitations of a Yellow Dog contract. It is a difficult decision, but one that could mean the difference between a secure future and a life without stability or security.