Alpha Lithium Embraces Tecpetrol Bid Increase, Urges Shareholders to Do the Same!
Alpha Lithium Corporation, a company engaged in the exploration and development of high-grade lithium projects in the resource-rich Pampa del Indio basin of Argentina, has filed a notice with respect to the Directors’ Circular recommending that shareholders accept Tecpetrol’s increased bid for 100% of Alpha’s issued and outstanding common shares.
The notice explains that recreation of the Alpha Lithium Corporation’s board of directors, providing it with financial independence, renewed confidence and increased capitalefficiencies, paving the way for a successful Francesco Rocca and Marcos Rodriguez-led management team to steer the company..
The increased bid from Tecpetrol is seen by Alpha as being significantly higher than that previously recommended by shareholders and the Directors’ Circular; Alpha issued the notice to inform shareholders of the increased bid so they can make an informed decision.
The Directors’ Circular, as well as the new notice, reminds shareholders of their rights to accept, reject or ignore the proposed bid or make an alternative bid for Alpha Lithium shares held.
The notice also explains that Tecpetrol’s increased bid is subject to a number of conditions and that shareholders can make counter-offers, if they so wish. Both the conditions of the increased bid and the terms of any counter-offers will form part of the decision-making process for shareholders.
The filing of the notice is another step towards Alpha Lithium Corporation finding a strategic transaction partner to accelerate its development and create value for shareholders, agents and partners. Shareholders and interested parties can expect further updates on the proposed transaction in the near future.