“Making Deals & Digging Deep at Diggers and Dealers 2023
The 23rd annual Diggers and Dealers Mining Forum will be held in Kalgoorlie, Australia, from 8 to 10 August 2023. The theme of this year’s forum is ‘Exploring the Future of the Mining Industry’ and is expected to attract thousands of delegates from around the world.
The Forum’s primary purpose is to bring together the leaders of the mining industry from around the globe to discuss and debate the future of their businesses and sector in a collaborative, non-competitive forum. It is a unique opportunity to hear from experts, engage with other industry professionals, and develop relationships with those who can further mining projects and careers.
Attendees can expect to receive comprehensive knowledge of the industry during the interactive presentations and symposia. The wide-ranging agenda covers business and economic trends, green technology, safety regulations, digitalisation, mining technology, data science, mine exploration, sustainable development, and much more.
The contracts for keynote speakers have not yet been announced, but one can only expect the same high calibre of speakers seen in previous years – including industry leaders, renowned investors, professors, and professionals from all aspects of the mining industry.
On top of the professional development, networking, and relationship building, the Forum gives attendees a taste of the Gold Rush and Wild West of the past. Travelling three hours east of Perth along the dusty Goldfields Highway, Kalgoorlie-Boulder is an interesting mix of the old and new. While the area is full of history, it is also a thriving community with some of the most advanced modern-day technology for the minerals industry.
If you’re in the mining industry – (or are even considering getting into it) – then the Diggers and Dealers Mining Forum is an event not to be missed. It is a must-attend event for anyone engaged in the minerals industry – whether you’re a CEO of a major mining company or an independent prospector.