“Surficial Gold Strike! Trailbreaker Hits the Jackpot in South-Central BC!
Trailbreaker Resources continues to show serious potential with their Golden Sable Property located in South Central British Columbia. They have recently extended their surficial gold signature providing much needed reassurance to investors who are looking to capitalize on a possible new gold strike.
This development came as the result of sampling throughout the property. The properties’ surficial gold signature was extended approximately 150 m within the Auger Point Zone which is deemed to have the greatest likelihood of hosting a bulk tonnage gold mineralized surface. This has not only developed the signature but has encouraged exploration and data collecting throughout the entirety of the Golden Sable Property.
The Technical Report just released last month further confirms this positive development. Trenching that was done in the Auger Point Zone resulted in bonanza grade gold assays over 1 meter of 61.3 g/t. Albeit, the report uses the term ‘bonanza grade’ loosely as it does not necessarily imply economic viability. Reports such as these give insight into the grade and grade distributions of the gold deposits located on the property.
Though Trailbreaker Resources returns have yet to be due to investors, there is much potential in this South Central BC property. With the extension of the surficial gold signature, along with the technical report that was recently released, Trailbreaker Resources will continue to remain an attractive option for investors looking to capitalize in potential gold strikes.