“Treasure Found! Gold Mineralization Intersected in Every Drillhole at Eakin Creek Property in South-Central BC”
Trailbreaker Resources Ltd has reported some impressive results from its maiden drill program at the Eakin Creek Property in south-central British Columbia. According to the company, mineralization has been intersected in all of the seven drill holes completed to date at the site, indicating that the Eakin Creek deposit has the potential to be a major gold producer.
This exciting news follows more than 18 months of exploration on the property, which lies just outside of Trailbreaker’s main prospect area. The drill program was designed to help confirm continuity ofgold mineralization, and thecoalignedintersections of both disseminated and stockwork gold styles demonstrate that this is indeed thecase. Results from the drill holes include grades ranging from 0.068 to 6.15 grams per tonne Au, or up to 140.3 grams per tonne along a single interval.
Analysis of the drill core shows that the most encouraging goldresultsare occurring in mineralized zones made up of multiple veins and their associated alteration zones. Mineralogically theintersectionsaremonzoflocke, quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite with hydrothermal textures.
The preliminary observations of this maiden drill program suggest that the Eakin Creek Property is likely to be a significant gold producing asset. The gold mineralization is particularly high grade and the drill intercepts are extensive. Additional drilling will be necessary to further delineate the gold mineralization, and Trailbreaker Resources is already planning on a Phase II diamond drilling program to extend the current mineralized zones.
This exciting new development brings Trailbreaker Resources closer to bringing the Eakin Creek Property into their gold production portfolio. The anticipated extension of the mineralized zones through additional drilling, along with the already established gold grades, should make this promising site an even more attractive investment for gold investors.